CFO Services
A company which is to achieve sustainable success requires access to in-depth knowledge and considerable experience in the classic, professional CFO remit so as to be able to take better decisions on the basis of a close coordination and collaboration with the responsible executives, owners and decision-makers.

Supervisory Board Mandates
An experienced and modern supervisory board can help shape the wider conditions for sustainable business success, mitigate company risks and create genuine added value. The supervisory board has a considerable responsibility for ensuring the sustainable development of the business as regards the owners and/or shareholders, but also the employees (“corporate governance”).

Transparency, analyses and a realistic assessment form the basis for superior company decision-making as well as a systematic and continuous controlling and management of the sustainable success of the company. Controlling serves to support the management team and the decision-makers with the development and selection of the best courses of action, the reduction of risks and continuous improvement.

Risk Management
Companies are subject to continuous change in a dynamic world which is changing all the time. The way in which the risk management is configured is a critical factor for the success of a company. The continuous assessment and steering of company risks is one of the core tasks of business management. A proactive risk management has a sustainable and positive impact on the further development of the company and is therefore of significant importance.

Project Management
A successful project stays on budget, is completed on schedule, and delivers the expected operational results. Developing and implementing a successful project requires a new working approach.

Operational Transactions Management
Many operational sequences in the areas of accounting, human resources management and purchasing are repetitive activities, all of which have to be mapped out correctly and on schedule, but also on a cost effective and audit or accounts-compliant basis. To fulfil these continuously developing requirements, many companies use up a considerable amount of valuable resources on “half-way” solutions instead of focusing on their core areas of expertise and their own, original business goals.

Business Phase Management (BPM)
Following their foundation, all companies go through different developmental phases. Knowing and recognising these phases provides the basis for superior decision-making and for the selection of the suitable measures, and is therefore decisive to the company’s success.

Shaping Decisions
From the idea to the successful implementation, a lot of decisions need to be taken. Each decision is determined by a variety of different factors and is accordingly associated with many risks. Decisions can be delayed for a long time, but sooner or later, no decision becomes a decision itself. Above all else, successful companies differ from unsuccessful companies in terms of the way in which they implement ideas, how they make decisions, and the knowledge and learning effects that contribute to their improvement – and therefore to the company’s long-term success.

Demerger Management
Splitting and division of an entire company into individual, independently operating companies. A demerger is a form of corporate restructuring in which the business activities of the company are broken down into one or more components. It is the reversal of a merger, acquisition or takeover.

Promotion of entrepreunial know-how
The range of services: “Promotion of entrepreneurial know-how” is essentially based on the promotion by KfW or the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). There, under certain conditions, a wide variety of support is available for companies that have already been set up.
Certificates & Seals